Workshop for Building a Customer-centric Strategy
with Dennis Wakabayashi

22nd October 2024

01:00 PM – 04:00 PM 


Join Dennis Wakabayashi, known as The Global Voice of CX, for a workshop that deep-dives into the challenges brands face when trying to build holistic customer-centric strategies.

What you will learn;

  • Analyse customer day and get actionable insights
  • How to build a customer-centric culture 
  • Understand your customers on a deeper level 
  • Customer engagement strategies that feed loyalty 

Workshop Leader

Dennis Wakabayashi

Global Voice of #CX | Team Wakabayashi

For over three decades, Dennis Wakabayashi, better known as “The Global Voice of CX.” has dedicated himself to revolutionising customer experience (CX), helping global powerhouses like FedEx, AT&T, McDonald’s, and Wells Fargo reshape their customer relationships and drive growth.

Currently, he is deep-diving into CX strategies for an international fintech brand, a beloved restaurant chain, and an innovative CPG brand, with these exciting projects set to debut in 2024.

Through his initiative, TEAM Wakabayashi, and his platforms like the YouTube show, CX Update, and podcast, “CX In the Wild,” he strives to democratise CX knowledge, sharing his insights with a global audience.


1:00 PM – 1:10 PM: Welcome and Introduction

  • Welcome and introduce yourself to fellow participants.
  • Understand the workshop objectives and what you’ll achieve today.

1:10 PM – 1:40 PM: Building a Customer-Centric Culture

Activity: House of Cards

  • Collaborate with your team to build a house of cards.
  • Learn the importance of a customer-focused solid foundation.
  • Emphasise teamwork and the significance of each role in creating a cohesive CX strategy.

1:40 PM – 2:10 PM: Using Customer Insights Effectively

Activity: Customer Insights Maze

  • Navigate a maze to collect and analyze customer data.
  • Highlight the importance of comprehensive insights in shaping effective CX strategies.
  • Discover how to leverage customer insights to make informed decisions that improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2:10 PM – 2:20 PM: Break

  • Take a short break, refresh yourself, and network with peers.

2:20 PM – 2:50 PM: Improving Communication and 


Activity: CX Case Study Challenge

  • Analyze a detailed case study to learn effective communication strategies.
  • Apply these insights to a new hypothetical scenario.
  • Develop strategies for clear, empathetic, and responsive communication.

2:50 PM – 3:50 PM: Fostering Continuous Improvement and Innovation

Activity: CX Innovation Showdown

  • Immerse yourself in the CX Innovation Showdown.
  • Brainstorm innovative ideas with your team to enhance customer experiences.
  • Pitch your ideas in a competitive “Innovation Idol” format.
  • Focus on staying ahead of customer expectations and adapting to changing needs.
  • Leave with practical strategies and actionable ideas to implement in your organization.

3:50 PM – 4:00 PM: Debrief and Awards

  • Conclude the workshop with a fun and celebratory debrief.
  • Summarize key takeaways and best practices.
  • Receive additional tips and strategies for fostering a culture of innovation within your organization.
  • Celebrate all participants’ creativity and hard work with small prizes for winning teams.

Dennis Wakabayashi

Global Voice of #CX | Team Wakabayashi