Qualtrics, SAP Partner To Bring More Empathy To The Contact Center

Qualtrics, an experience management company, announced a new integration that brings Qualtrics XM Discover’s AI and machine learning capabilities into SAP Service Cloud to help customer service teams resolve customer issues, increase resolution rate and improve customer satisfaction.

Customers today expect companies to respond quickly to their questions and issues across any channel: on social media, they expect a response within an hour; over the phone, they expect a resolution within minutes. The stakes are high – over 70% of consumers say that a single contact center interaction permanently impacts their feelings about a brand. Against this backdrop of high expectations and pressure, organizations trying to improve customer service also struggle with agent turnover.

“Experience management is foundational for any intelligent and sustainable enterprise, helping them achieve higher levels of customer loyalty,” said Ritu Bhargava, president and chief product officer of SAP Customer Experience. “Organizations leveraging the power of SAP Service Cloud and Qualtrics XM Discover can unlock deeper customer understanding, take real-time action to streamline their business processes, ultimately improving the customer experience and increasing lifetime value.”

“As organizations navigate uncertainty, listening and acting with empathy is more important than ever,” said Fabrice Martin, chief product officer of Qualtrics XM Discover. “By bringing XM Discover capabilities to SAP Service Cloud, organizations can uncover unmet expectations and build the products, services, and experiences people want–with speed and scale.”

Understand how customers feel about every experience across any channel

XM Discover will analyze all structured and unstructured feedback coming into the SAP Service Cloud, including agent notes, support conversations, chat, social media posts and review sites. Using natural language understanding to tune into customer sentiment and the emotion, effort, and intent behind every interaction, XM Discover helps organizations understand why customers are reaching out and how they feel about their experiences. XM Discover summarizes and tags every customer interaction, freeing agents to focus on responding to customers instead of on manual, post-call tasks.

Quickly close the loop with customers at scale

By combining operational data from SAP with experience data from Qualtrics in a single platform, organizations will have a 360-degree view of their customers’ purchases, interactions, experiences, and feedback over time. This information allows organizations to predict retention risks or upsell opportunities more efficiently and take action to address issues with individual customers or groups of customers.

Teams can act in real-time to orchestrate workflows and alerts by creating new cases within Service Cloud or through an existing integration between SAP Service Cloud and Qualtrics xFlow, a low code/no-code workflow engine.