
Why Is Customer Satisfaction Plummeting In The US?

As per ACSI data, customer satisfaction in the United States is at its lowest since 2005. Let’s look at what supermarkets can learn from...

Can Cash Rewards Buy Customer Loyalty?

UK Banks are competing for new customers by offering cash rewards to users who switch accounts. Auditors noticed a 41% increase in account switches...

Conversational CX Forms The Backbone Across Industries. Here’s How

Great customer experience is all about making it easy to avail of services from anywhere at any point in time. Nearly 80% of the companies...

5 Best Practices For Creating Uplifting Customer Experiences

Your customers have always been your focus. This is true whether you serve clients, colleagues, patients, visitors, or guests. You create processes to make...

When Design Goes Dark

Business leaders are quite aware of the nasty consequences of dark patterns. Regardless, they take their chances. There is a certain evil that lurks within...

How To Create A Great Customer Experience Strategy In 3 Steps

One of the most popular questions in my conversations with decision makers has to be about setting up a successful CX strategy. I always...

Why Brands Should Focus On Multi-Device UX

Creating correct UX strategies that work flawlessly on all devices and sizes has become increasingly significant The way humans access information has changed drastically over...

Online Shoppers Suffer ‘Green Guilt’ Over Deliveries: Hermes Report

Despite restrictions being lifted and shops staying open, many are concerned about how deliveries are affecting the planet. Research looking into sustainable deliveries was commissioned...

Is Connected Packaging The New Communication Channel?

In December, ice cream brand Ben & Jerry’s teamed up with Snapchat to launch their new Cookie Dough Peace Pop Ice cream line. All...
Data Gets You Closer To Customers

Data Gets You Closer To Customers 

Customer data when used optimally can help companies predict trends and avoid backlash. According to a survey from Marketing Insider Group, which examined consumer reactions to...

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