This expanded category selection will give Tiktok advertisers enhanced measurement insights and increased protection across sensitive topics.
DoubleVerify, a digital media measurement, data, and analytics software provider, has rolled out 16 brand safety and suitability categories for TikTok advertisers to support TikTok’s new Inventory Filters – Vertical Sensitivity and Category Exclusion.
Mark Zagorski, CEO of DoubleVerify, said, “We are excited to expand our partnership with TikTok as ad investments continue to grow on the platform. As driven by our client-focused innovation strategy, we are launching 16 additional brand safety and suitability categories that cover unique content types and industry verticals. Advertisers can ensure brand equity protection by leveraging DV’s new AI-powered classification categories and align their advertising with suitable content on TikTok according to each brand’s specific needs and objectives.”
Chen-Lin Lee, Global Head of Measurement and Data Partnerships at TikTok, said, “TikTok is continuously building and refining our brand safety and suitability solutions for advertisers and evolving to stay ahead of emerging needs. We are excited to be partnering with trusted third-party measurement provider DoubleVerify to complement our own TikTok Inventory Filter and our new brand suitability controls Category Exclusion and Vertical Sensitivity so advertisers are confident in the tools that empower them to connect with our community.”
With this release, companies can leverage new content categories in the Category Exclusion control for TikTok Inventory Filter: Gambling & Lottery, Youth Content, Violent Video Games, and Combat Sports. This expanded category selection will give advertisers enhanced measurement insights and increased protection across sensitive topics.